
Showing posts from 2016

IeeeExtreme competetion

IeeeExtreme coding competition was held on 22nd October 2016 ( )  and it was a big opportunity to participate to the competition.

Target 7...finished..

In , the C++ tutorial was done and a certificate was issued on 08th Nov 2016.

Finished task 6...Java Script tutorial

The certificate was issued for finishing learning the fundamentals of Java Script

Target 5

I finished python 3 tutorial in  and a certificate was issured 21 August 2016.While studying though I have no more experience, I felt like that "What a programming languadge PYTHON is...!!!!"..I think there are some similarities of java and ..I think even if we think of python as a pebble,but is a giant rock in programming world...!!!

Big opportunity - HACKATHON

I was participated to  5 th HACKATHON ( ) competition on 29 April 2016 -1 May 2016 held in group "Sharing And Caring" in Faculty of Engineering,University of Peradeniya. It was a very big opportunity to get a idea about industry and the stuff that are challenges as students and new upcoming ideas of all our sisters' and bothers'.

Target 4-finished..

I was able to finish SQL  tutorial in . since I am studying about database systems, I wanted to know about sql and a certificate was issued on 19 August 2016 as I finished tutorial and get some new things to my knowledge.:)

Target 3-finished:)

PHP tutorial was done in  and it makes me very exited to know about new stuff. A certificate was issued on 17 August 2016. I feel like that I am so curious to know these things as they are new things to my world as a beginner..

Target 2-finished

 I finished my second tutorial, java tutorial course in  on 27 July 2016 and a certificate was issued. And it was exited to know about new languadges.

Target 1 - finished

 I finished a HTML tutorial course in  and a certificate was issued in 14 August 2016.

Simple Tasks on numbers - C programming

Task 01 Write a program to read two integers with the following significance. The first integer value represents a time of day on a 24 hour clock, so that 1245 represents quarter to one mid-day, for example. The second integer represents time duration in a similar way, so that 345 represents three hours and 45 minutes. This duration is to be added to the first time, and the result printed out in the same notation, in this case 1630 which is the time 3 hours and 45 minutes after 12.45. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int time,duration,end_time; printf("Enter the start time: "); scanf("%d",&time); printf("Enter the duration: "); scanf("%d",&duration); int count=0; if(duration>60){ while(duration>60){ duration=duration-60; count++; } } int hours,minutes; hours=(time/100+count)*100; //(duration/60); minutes=time%100+duration; end_time=hours+minutes; if(end_time>=2400){ end_tim...

Self learning

I just finished my basic lessons in HTML tutorials. And next tutorials basics about HTML5 as wel python3.

Solo learn tutorials

I started to learn HTML tutorials on .It is somewhat excited when doing self learning. I am interested to those things now. I had nothing about computers, languages or other stuff. I am trying to know the stuff in this filed. It's not only because I want to be an engineer, I love to learn these stuff since it makes me happy.