Note - Nmap


          - is a security scanner and Network Mapper is a free and opens source utility for network explorations and security audition.
          -is used to discover hosts and services on the computer network thus creating a "map" of the network.
         - sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then analyzes the response.
         -uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network , what services those services are offering , what operation systems they are running

supports all platform of OS like 
                  - Mac
In nMap, raw IP packets are used.


    - Host discovery - identify the hosts on the network
    - port planning - enumerating the open ports on the target hosts
    - version detection - integrating network services on remote devices to determine the application name and the version number
    - OS detection - Determine the operation system and hardware characteristics of the network devices
    - Scriptable interaction with the target - using Nmap Script Engine and Lua programming languedge
    - Nmap can provide further informations about on targets, including reverse DNS names, device types, and MAC addresses  

Uses of Nmap

    - Auditing the security of a device or firewall by identifying the network connections which can be made to, or though it.
    - Identifying the open ports on the target host in preparation for audition
    - Network inventory, network mapping, maintenance and asset management.
    - Auditing the security of a network by identifying new servers
    - Generating the traffic to hosts on the network
    - Find and exploit the vulnerabilities in a network

if hostname use as target, nmap will perform DNS lookup to scan, but if ip address is entered, then DNS lookup will not process.

Nmap pings the remote device and can disable ping with option (-Pn)

TCP SYN Scan (-sS)

    Allow nmap to gather information about open port without completing the TCP handshake process

#nmap -sS -v

TCP SYN Scan (-sT)

    Allow nmap to gather information about open ports with completing the TCP handshake process

#nmap -sT -v

Ping Scan (-sP)

 ping scan is a quickest scan that nmap perform

#nmap -v -sP --packet_trace
Version Detection (-sV)

   Allow nmap to gather version of application of remote host and version detection scan runs automatically if the aggressive Scan (-A) is selected.
-sP,-sL,-sO will not run the same command line with version detection.

UDP Scan (-sU)

     UDP had no need to process 3 way handshake or SYN, FIN and RST.

#nmap -sU -v --packet_trace

IP Protocol Scan (-sO)

         The IP Protocol Scan attempt to determine IP Protocol support on target

#nmap -c -sO --packet_trace

ACK Scan (-sA)

ACK Scan to determine port filter or unfilter

#nmap -sA -v

Window Scan (-sA)
       Allow nmap to gather information about open ports without completing TCP handshake process. the version detection scan runs automatically if the aggressive Scan (-A) is selected

Idle Scan(-sl)

       Idle Scan use other station to scan remote host device

#nmap -sl -v

 How to detect OS with nMap

 Nmap provides a rich feature that detects what OS that remote devices are using.

         -Os fingerprint with option (-O)

              #nmap -sS -O

         - Additional, Advance and Aggressive (-A)

             (shortcut for running (-O) and (-sV))

              #nmap -sS -A

Nmap Script Engine(NSE)
        - Network Descovery
        - Version Detection
        - Vulnerability Detection
        - Malware Detection
        - Exploitation

 Anatomy of NSE


        import libraries


      Includes description of script , author name, license information, etc

       Define the type of the script
            -auth, broadcast, brute,default, discovery, dos , exploit, external, fuzzer,
intrusive, malware, safe, version, vuln.


        Script executions are conditional


       The actual code to execute based of the portrule

Script that Exist

Brute Force






Scan Types

-sS      - TCP SYN
-sT    -TCP Conncet
-sA     -TCP ACK
-sW    -TCP Window
-sM    -TCP Maimon
-sU    -UDP Scan
-sN    -TCP null(no flags)
-sF    -TCP FIN(just FIN flag)
-sX    -TCP Xmas(all flags)
-sO    -IP Protocol scan

Output Options

Output Types

-oN<file>    -Normal
-oX<file>    -XML
-oS<file>    -s|rlpt klddi3
-oG<file>    -Grepable
-oA<file>    -3 Major Formats

Output Options

-v    -Increase verbosity level
-d[level]    -set or increase debugging level
--reason    -Display the reason a port is in a perticular state
--open         -Only show open ports
--packet-tracer    -show all the packets sent and received
--iflist    -print host interfaces and routes(for debugging)
--log-errors    -log errors/warnings to the normal-format output file
--append-output    -Appwnd to rather than clobber specified output files
--resume<filename>    -Resume an abroted scan

Pros and Cons on Scans

SYN scans

PRO - very fast and very common scan used.

CON - Funky stuff happens when a firewall, packet filter , or packet shaper is in- between user and the target.

 FIN scans

PRO - can sneak around non-stateful firewalls and packet filters.

CON - because of the way the scan is conducted, ports respond as either closed, or open-filtered. Many major OS' sent a RST reguardless of open or closed.

NOTE - variation of this are NULL and Xmas scans

ACK Scan

PRO - Determines filters from unfiltered ports.

CON - Will not tell of the port is opened or closed

Window Scan

PRO - can tell if a port is opened or closed, where as the ACK scan can not

CON  - Work on only a few OS's and sometimes acts flaky.



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