Note - Networking

     Involves connecting computers to create a local area network.
  • For sharing information and resources
  • For sharing hardware and software
  • For Provide centralized administration and support
There are two major types of network
  1. LAN
          In LAN there are several topologies. They are,
  • Mesh topology
  • Star topology
            Advantages to the star topology are 
                   -central wiring hubs ease the task of managing moves , additions and changes
                   -central cabling points provide faster troubleshooting
                   -independent point to point links prevent cable problems on any given link from affecting other links
                   -central equipment hubs can provide easier migration to new topologies
                   -physical security
  • Tree topology 
  • Bus topology
  • Ring topology
    2. WAN

MAC - Medium Access Control 

  • Mainly used in satellite systems
  • Simplest possible medium access protocol
  • If a collision occurred  frame is retransmitted after a random time
  • Trivially simple
  • No coordination between participants necessary
  • Collisions can and will occur
The Ethernet system

                 An Ethernet Local Area Network is made up of hardware and software working together to deliver digital data between computers. 

Four basic elements are combined to make an Ethernet system.
  1. The frame
  2.  The Media Access Control protocol
  3.  The signaling components
  4.  The physical medium

Collision domain
                 A collision domain is a shared network medium where Ethernet packets are allowed to collide.

Broadcast domain
               The area within which messages may be send to all the stations using so called broadcast address.

                A networking topology that allows networks to be segmented
(broadcast domain) logically without having to be physically rewired.

Structured cabling system
       based on point to point cable segments that are installed according to the detailed guidelines and specification published in the structures cabling standards.



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