Note - Day 2 - Tangible hardware...

In a  computer ,physically connected to the computer , something tangible.
full list of component of a computer

  • chassis
  • Disc drive : CD ROM,CD-RW,DVD,Blu-Ray
  • Expansion card
  • Fan
  • Floppy Drive
  • Hard Drive
  • Mother Board
  • Power Cable
  • Power Supply
  • Processor
Includes or can install these components

  • Flat Panel Display
  • Monitor 
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse(coodless,foot mouse,intellimouse,j mouse,joystick,mechanical,optical,touch pad, touchball, touchpoint)
  • printers
  • scanner
  • CD -ROM
  • DVD
  • CPU - brain of a computer
  • HardDrive - storage of a computer
  • Mother Board
  • RAM - main memory ,primary memory, random access memory, system memory
  • Sound card
  • Video card
  • modem(Internal,external,removable)
  • NIC-network interface card
(content was taken from "Learn computer in 30 days" in appstore)


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