Selection Sort

When sorting using selection sort algorithm, There are two parts as unsorted and sorted parts while sorting. Minimum value is selected from sorted part and swapped with the leftmost element of the unsorted part of the array.

Example is given below,

In this algorithm, every time minimum element is selected from unsorted part and swapped with leftmost element

10 is the smallest value
10 is swapped with 14
14 is the smallest value in the unsorted part
Swap 14 with 14(in is already on the leftmost of the array)
15 is the smallest from index 2 to 5
15 is swapped with 76
53 is the smallest in unsorted part
53 is swapped with 76
72 is the smallest in the unsorted array

Swapping 72 and 76

76 is the smallest

Array is sorted


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